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Board of Trustees

Class of 2020: Rick Casteel, Bob Harbert, Mike Stalnaker

Class of 2021: Cathy Way, Chuck Stalnaker, Jim Ice

Class of 2022: Maxine Ice, Danny Sharp, Bill Way

Lay Leadership Committee (Nominations)

Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPR)

Class of 2020: Jeanie DeFazio (Otterbein), Brenda Fluharty (Otterbein), Danny Sharp (Lumberport)

Class of 2021: Rick Casteel (Lumberport), Bill Way (Lumberport), Gloria Sandy (Otterbein)

Class of 2022: Maxine Ice (Lumberport), Mary Bittenger (Otterbein), Debbie Stout (Lumberport)

Finance Committee

Chairperson: Robin Linville

Financial Secretary: Maxine Ice

Layleader: Mark Linville

Trustees Chairperson: Mike Stalnaker

Treasurer: Robin Linville

Pastor: Samuel Cale IV

Chairperson: Samuel Cale IV

Class of 2020: Renee Casteel, Louise Sterling, Connie DeThomas

Class of 2021: Danny Sharp, Cathy Way, Rachelle Casteel

Class of 2022: Mark Linville, June Barker, Marillyn Harbert

Church Officers

Lay Leader: Mark Linville

Chairperson , Administrative Council: Maxine Ice

Recording Secretary: Tiffany Sharp

Lay Delegate to Annual Conference: Robin Linville

Alternate Delegate to Annual Conference: Bill Way

Lay Delegates to District Conference: Tiffany Sharp, Bill Way

Treasurer: Robin Linville

Financial Secretary: Maxine Ice

Membership Secretary: Mark Linville

Sunday School Superintendent: Robin Linville

President, United Methodist Women: Marillyn Harbert

Cooperative Parish Council Representative: Connie DeThomas

Child Protection Coordinator: Tiffany Sharp

Parsonage Committee

Chuck Stalnaker

Bill Way

Rick Casteel

Maxine Ice

Samuel O. Cale IV (Pastor)

Mike Stalnaker (Trustee Chair)

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